Saturday, May 9, 2015

Improve Your Running

I ran cross country and track throughout high school and have learned a few tips in those years! Follow these tips to see how you can begin to run, or improve your running!

Set Goals

  • Begin by challenging yourself to complete one mile. 
    • Whether you can run the whole time or not, finish the mile! 
    • For starters, it doesn't matter how long it takes you as long as you are getting it done!
  • Then, challenge yourself to push for that extra half a mile and at a faster pace. 
    • 30 minutes of cardio is all you a need a day to ensure a good cardio workout.
    •  I usually run 3 miles at 10 minutes each, for a total of 30 minutes. 

Regulate Your Breathing

  • It's easy to get winded when you are panting and trying to catch your breath. 
    • To reduce this, make sure you start breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth from the beginning of your run. 
    • Remind yourself to breathe right and soon it will become natural. This will help you run longer and faster! 
  • When you need to stop to catch your breathe, don't bend over and place your hands on your knees.
    • Stand up straight, and grasp the top of your head with your hands.
      • This makes it easier for oxygen to flow to your chest. 

Proper Form

  • Stand up straight to enable oxygen to flow freely to your lungs. 
  • Keep your hands at the sides of your hips. 
    • Don't move them up and down like a sprinter, or have them flapping on the sides like a chicken! 
    • Pump your arms forwards and backwards almost like you are swimming. 
  • Keep your fingers loose, and don't ball them up into a fist. 
    • This will help relax your arms, shoulders, and hands.
  • Kick your legs back with each stride so that gravity can assist a stronger kick down.
    • This will help you run faster. 
    • It may seem like you are prancing like a horse, but you will soon feel like you can trot along next to one! 
Running helps prevent diseases, lose weight, and relieve stress. Make running fun and bring a buddy with you and explore new areas!

Let me know if you have any questions.

Alina <3


  1. Alina I did my workout today following these tips and it was so helpful! Breathing is so important I felt I was able to workout better without getting as tired as usual!
    Please keep posting you are being so helpful!

    1. Conny,

      I'm so glad it helped! Keep up the good work.

